Thursday, September 1, 2011

Broken Cuisinart Coffeemaker

Our Cuisinart 12-Cup Programmable Thermal Coffeemaker model DTC-975BKN decided not to work one morning.  Water leaked from the bottom of the coffeemaker when we put water in the reservoir.  We really like this coffeemaker and we don't want to go out and purchase another one.  So I decided to do a little surgery to find out what's on the inside.  Lo and behold, I found the rubber tubing that feeds hot water has cracked.
Here is what I did to fix it.

There are 8 screws total that you must remove.   Two of them are hidden by a rubber piece.

After removing all screws, pry open the base.  Be careful not to break the latches.

Turn the coffeemaker upside down and remove 4 screws (other 2 screws not shown in picture).

Now you should be able to pull it apart to expose the tubing.

Squeeze the metal clamp to remove cracked tubing.

Depending on your coffeemaker model, you will have to make sure you get the right size of tubing.  After unsuccessful attempts to find high temperature silicone rubber tubing at the local hardware stores, I got mine from  The part number is 3142K163 for our coffeemaker.

After replacing the tubing, our coffeemaker is now making coffee again!